A bit about me

Since September 2021, I have been attending ceramic classes at Preston College, an experience that I've come to enjoy immensley. However, I've often felt that the time allotted was not sufficient for actualising the full scope of my artistic ideas, given the frequent breaks and class schedules.

I enjoy creative crafts and as such I have attended a variety classes including watercolours, sewing, and willow weaving. My main interest is ceramics and I lean towards creating larger pieces, and I am eager to explore sculpture along with the diverse range of media that UCLan offers. Witnessing the rich variety of artistic opportunities available at UCLan was a source of excitement for me. For instance, if given the opportunity to recreate my Hare piece, I would enhance it with a metal rod, a wooden plinth, and metal whiskers. I strongly believe that studying at UCLan would enable me to employ mixed media in many of my creations.

Throughout my life, I have pursued a wide array of careers - from customer-facing roles in hotels, corporate finance, to running my own beauty salon. Despite these diverse experiences, my passion for art has always persisted. I've also had the privilege of caring for my disabled adult son, a responsibility that has inevitably influenced my journey and postponed my dream of pursuing a degree.

Now, I stand at a pivotal moment where I have the chance to return to academia, a goal I had to abandon at 18. I am eager to embrace this opportunity to study at UCLan, immersing myself in art and expanding the boundaries of my creative potential.